The performance “Permanência para os Encarnados” had its creative process in 2014 linked to the artistic residency program in Alentejo in Portugal – of the Atalaia Association of friends of art from the village of Ourique. Then, it took nine years to update the performance in Brazil, Portugal and Cape Verde. The action was configured as a social device, in which I intervene in the space of public conviviality with a garment that completely covers me and transforms me into an abstract figure. This work allowed me to update knowledge around issues related to the feminine and colonization processes.

My work is done independently and without commercial purpose, therefore it is difficult to maintain it; on the other hand, I have the freedom to make this creative practice a way of creating knowledge linked to dance, anthropology and history. Independently I have been in contact with support structures and moving around, I have been exchanging knowledge with different cultures. The creative process in this journey does not respond to a project with a pre-established schedule and budget, but develops from its own needs, with public actions such as workshops and process opening throughout its journey. Participating in this catalog would be very important for the opportunity to disseminate a singular autonomous initiative.

ARTIST Luanna Jimenes




UNDERNEATH-1 (a dance installation) HIATO (a sitespecific dance) MELTDWON (a video dance) TV CHORUME (a dance webserie, made for instagram)

FTMM Production highly connected to the political, technological and affective scenarios of people’s daily lives, promoting issues that are really necessary to re-enchant and help people imagine the possibility of a new world. We truly believe that what we are producing is capable of touching people, creating a necessary vehicle for us to rethink our way of living through movement, images and affection, inspiring changes that can provide a more empathic and respectful relationship between people. Also our work “spreads” very easily, people tend to relate to it and it can be accessed through different platforms such as: gifs, films, installations, live performances, theater, among others..

PROJECT FTMM | Felipe Teixeira e Mariana Molinos




Projeto GOMPA is an awarded Brazilian collective of artists created in 2014 that develops dramaturgical and scenic language experimentation and researches possible crossings between theatre, dance, music, visual and audiovisual arts, with an emphasis on the fusion of different arts as a narrative principle.The creations are made in collaboration with artists from different schools and companies. The group also has a special focus on experimenting with languages ​​that expand the limits of what we understand as theater for adults and theater for children and youth.

Show the work of dance theater developed by a group from the south of Brazil that has ongoing work for children and adults. Exchange and audience training for dance internationally. Exchange of information about creation processes and cultural projects.

PROJECT Projeto Gompa




The group is a improvisation based in differents themes and purposes. We do pieces based in books, articles and conversations in our research group in Federal Institute of brasilia called PRODANCE.

The Lab Choreography DBT is the first company in this field in Brasilia- Brasil- We do video dance, performances and shorts videos in Brazil, Espanha, Argentina, México and Colômbia.. Our pieces is inspired in some social question and we dont have distinction between our crew. All the members are be able to express yourself in our productions.

PROJECT Lab Coreográfico DBT