Dummie is a work that talks about love and peace. The love for what is done, dedication in the present and respect for others. Inner peace and being well with oneself, self-confidence and the desire to share with others the feelings that lie in the depth of being, that unique voice that makes us different. Dummie is a piece that is built on stage at the precise moment the curtain opens. The value of improvisation and the Loop it all method are used to develop the theme in the different scenarios that accompany it. This is how Dummie has performed at various festivals and countries using contemporary dance and music languages, improvisation and Butoh, contemporary dance and Loop it all to connect with different audiences, building an “in situ” piece identifying the flow stage of the present, of the public and the space.

Dummie is built on stage, which means that the work always remains fresh, it identifies with the public and the moment in which it takes place. This has generated over the years of its presentations different versions impregnated with the culture of the place, the sounds and the space in which it is presented. Always a new context, always a new work, different, current. More than a choreographic piece, it is a concept of movement on stage and of interaction with different audiences. 2-Dummie uses the Loop it all method which has been taught throughout more than 9 countries and which is the artist’s own authorship. Dummie’s work has been developed in parallel with this method, which originated in 2010. Dummie is nourished and sustained by Loop it all, mainly based on its principles of repetition, improvisation and creation of movements from drawing. Currently the method is identified in institutional training spaces of the Ministry of Culture of Costa Rica and prestigious international universities, collaborating with different processes of dance, music, theater and audiovisual language both within the national territory and abroad. The Loop it all method has the support for the investigation of the Race 2021 Scholarship of the National Dance Workshop of the Ministry of Culture of Costa Rica and the work Dummie has been selected by the FIDCDMX 2020 in its category of artist with a career for the night gala. 3-The work Dummie is aimed at all audiences, it has the universal languages ​​of dance and music. The work has pedagogical validity promoting the artistic value of creation supported by a teaching method. His theme of peace has opened space for him on various stages, festivals and main theaters where he performs. In turn, the work extends the scenic formats established on design and space exploration, capturing unconventional themes in relation to the immediate public.

ARTISTIC COMPANY Lo que es arriba Company




Public Body, is the result of reflecting on the life cycle of those who could be victims of their decisions. About how everyday life easily becomes routine. Any person starts and ends his day being a victim of his destiny. The one he built. A state of alienation of body and mind, being available to the needs of others. Abandonment of our own needs and calls for sanity. “Public Body” was created in 2019 after an 8-month work process. It tries to expose a theme that is reflected in the lives of most people, as they are consumed by their environments and obligations, which leads them to alienate themselves from their own needs.

Cuerpo Público is a contemporary dance work that covers a current problem, around abandonment and social pressure, which often has repercussions on public and psychological health. It is a Latin American work that reflects a personal experience, however, it is of collective interest. It has a suitable structure and timing for the enjoyment of the public. It is a work of easy circulation. The performer and choreographer travel with a suitcase that contains everything necessary to travel without the need for sets or elements, uncomfortable or expensive. In addition, it is technically very easy to adapt.

ARTIST Adrian Figueroa Rosales




Programming space of quality shows with invited art companies. Back in 2020 we launched this space in collaboration with Zebastián Méndez (Costa Rica) and Livia Balazova (Slovenia) from Colectivo Priekopník Vevericka, they presented a piece of physical theatre called “La Plancha” which addressed issues like gender, violence and inequality. The previous year we received the artists Ricardo Ambrozio from Portugal with his show ¨SCOPE¨ and the Canadian artist Daina Ashbee with his proposal ¨SERPENTINE¨. We also have the participation of the Costa Rican artists Circo del Tercer Mundo.

Revés is an exhibition platform for professional shows. With eight years of existence, Revés is an internationally recognized platform for body training and contemporary movement. A great number of people and artists from all around the world get together here in Costa Rica to be a part of this singular, artistic, multicultural, innovative and highly human experience. Revés becomes a bridge where students and professionals of dance and circus can experiment with different movement languages. Our aim is to celebrate movement through all that comes with it. Together dancers, students, art lovers, and the public, in general, create connections that will last forever, opening a door to continue creative exchange processes within their contexts and communities.





Every move gives us away and makes us stronger…
This search for things frees us to infinity, our own side.
We are now exactly what we want to be! what we want to see! .. And all those things in the right position, make us disappear again.

We would like to be in this exhibition event of works and artists from all over the world. This exhibition window is very important to publicize and reach other parts of the world with our works of art





¨El viaje del Heroe¨is a trilogy of dance videos of 27 minutes based on the monomite of the hero from Joseph Campbell, known American writer and mythologist of the XX century. Our proposal is to adapt the structure and archetypes of Campbell´s to an audiovisual dance production in order to appeal to the universal and subconscious nature of the story’s formula, but with the visceral and power that only dance and human movement can generate in an audience. Our purpose is to exalt and highlight the spirit and resilient nature of human beings. Enter a new world, Survive and Emerge… Filmed in our Melico Salazar Theater in Costa Rica. All local professionals are involved in the production.

We strongly believe that resilience is an intrinsic characteristic of human nature, and the past two years was an experience that undoubtedly challenged us as a society and individuals and showed us the ability we have to move forward regardless of circumstances. From this idea our latest work was born ¨The Heroe´s Journey¨ This was a production created with a very limited budget, filmed in only in 10 hours in 2 days, and created 80% thru a virtual process during the pandemic. Only rehearsed together 2 days before the filming and the hours of filming. We want the world to experience and savor some of our private contemporary company, nonprofit and supporters of our own social service program with dance for juvenile inmates in Costa Rica.

ARTISTIC COMPANY Danz project company